Coleção: Cátia Antunes

Cátia Antunes, PhD (2004), Leiden University, is Professor of History of Global Economic Networks: Merchants, Entrepreneurs and Empires, University of Leiden, Netherlands.  Antunes’ interest for cross-cultural business networks during the Early Modern period has developed into a broader research profile about free agency and empire building in the Netherlands in comparative perspective with other Western European Empires. She has been awarded a VIDI grant by the Dutch National Science Foundation (NWO) in May 2012,  a Starting Grant for the research project Fighting Monopolies by the European Research Council in July 2012. As of September 2017,she will be running the project Resilient Diversity: the Governance of Racial and Religious Plurality in the Dutch Empire, 1600-1800, in a joint venture with Karwan Fatah Black (Leiden University), Ulbe Bosma (IISG-Amsterdam) and Matthias van Rossum (IISG-Amsterdam). Cátia Antunes is the author of Globalization in the Early Modern Period (2004), with Francesca Trivellato and Leor Halevi (eds.), Religion and Trade (2014) and with Jos Gommans (eds.), Exploring the Dutch Empire (2015).  Co-editors of Beyond Empires. Global, Self-Organizing, Cross-Imperial Networks, 1500-1800 (2016) and Seaports in the First Global Age. Portuguese Agents, Networks and Interactions (1500-1800) (2016),  Polónia and Antunes also cooperated within the  DynCoopNet project - Dynamic Complexity of Cooperation- Based Self-Organizing Networks in the First Global Age (